Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO) invites sealed bids to prequalify (GST Registered) firms/vendors for procurement of following categories:
1. IT / Office Equipment
2. Vehicle Insurance / Tracking
3. Vehicle Maintenance
4. Printing & Publishing
5. Hotel Services
6. Travel agent
7. Rent-a-car Services
8. General Order Suppliers
*Refer to attached bidding templates for detail.
SPO intends to prequalify and further shortlist firms/vendors for a period of one year to procure goods and services. To prequalify, vendors must submit the following:
1. NTN / GST Registration Certificate
2. Last six month’s sales tax return
3. Bank Statement
4. Company profile
5. Clients list
6. Authorized Dealer Certificate
7. Undertaking – After sales support capacity & jurisdiction
8. Undertaking – Financial standing and ability to offer credit facility
9. Undertaking – the firm has never been barred or blacklisted by any Government or other entities and no case has/is registered against the firm in any court of law.
Interested firms/parties should send their submissions through courier or registered post latest by 1700 hours on Sunday, 26th June 2022 in sealed envelopes marked “VENDOR PREQUALIFICATION” in the top right corner at the address given below: For further details please visit
The Procurement Committee
Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO)
Building No. 1-B, Street 26, Sector G-9/1, Islamabad