The admin department at SPO is responsible for organizing human and material resources efficiently to achieve the desired objectives.
The department encompasses the following key functions:
Procurement: Facilitates acquisition of property, equipment, goods, works or services through purchase, hire, lease or rental.
Property Management: Responsible for acquisition, control, maintenance, utilization, and disposition of organizational property, i.e. land, building, vehicles, furniture & fixture, electrical appliances and computer equipment.
Travel and Vehicle Management:
a. Facilitates any official travel that is performed in connection with SPO operations.
b. Responsible for monitoring of proper use, maintenance, acquisition, disposal and overall management of the SPO fleet.
Event Management: Responsible for planning and executing all sorts of events and meetings, etc.
IT Management: Responsible for oversight and ensuring efficient utilization of all organizational tech resources including computers, peripherals and networks.
Security Management: Responsible to take steps to ensure the security of staff, assets and operations.
This department is housed at both in the National Centre and in the regional Offices.