Documentary on Impact Assessment of PRP Phase II Program
Pakistan Resilience Partnership (PRP) is implementing a program title “Strengthen the capacity of at risk-communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters through locally-led actions in selected high-risk countries of Asia”. The program aims at enhancing the capacities of local actors (government, LNGOs, private sector, media and academia) in preparedness and response. The phase I of the program was executive from 2017 to 2020. The phase II is planned from Aug 2020 – Feb 2023 and will be concluding shortly. The overall scope of the phase II of the project was to further develop on the success and progress made during phase I, while strengthening the capacity of humanitarian actors at sub-national level and extending its outreach to district to achieve greater impact for the locally led disaster preparedness, response and recovery actions. The program focus areas were as under: -.
Humanitarian Standards Institutionalized among Local Actors
Strengthen Technical and Operational Capacity of Local Champions, Organizations and Systems to Prepare for, Respond to and Recover from Disasters
Improved National Coordination Mechanisms by Integrating Local Actors (National Preparedness Partnerships) into existing Coordination Systems (such as Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), Cluster Systems etc.,)
Integrated priority interventions and sustainable mechanisms for locally led actions.
Enhanced South-South Learning and Knowledge Exchange among APP Countries
To capture and highlight the best approaches, practices, achievements and real impacts of the program, a 10-15-minute documentary is planned to be developed. The documentary will provide information for decision-makers to analyze the impacts of the program interventions under each focus area as described in the para 1 above. Besides showcasing the impacts, the documentary would also provide basis for designing and planning of the upcoming phase of the project/ programme.
Overall objective of the Assignment
The overall objective of the assignment is to produce 12-15 minutes’ documentary highlighting best approaches, best practices, achievements and real impacts of the programme articulated under various focus area/outcomes. The documentary will include interviews of PRP partners and beneficiaries. The beneficiaries’ interviews would reflect personal insight of beneficiary and his/ her achievements as result of intervention.
Specific tasks for the Service Provider
The service provider will be required to do the following:
Develop the documentary to cover the overall concept and scenario
Meet with PRP team for deeper understanding of the programme
Develop the documentary script and storyboard to be used in the film
Interview selected participants for the film, that include PRP partners and beneficiaries and programme staff.
Perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews with the project beneficiaries and stakeholders.
Present a draft documentary (with subtitle in English) and human stories to PRP team for comments on contents.
Produce one final documentary film in 20 DVDs.
Output /Deliverables
The service provider has to produce the following outputs/ deliverables.
Submit a storyboard and script for the documentary to PRP team for approval before filming;
Present draft documentary with interviews for comments
Produce an edited Video Recording of the scenarios captured, and the footage of the recorded stories.
Provide the master file of all the shoots before editing.
Present a complete 12-15-minute documentary film version, and hand over 1 master copy and 10 DVDs of each version.
Present one 2-3 minutes of highlights of documentary film.
Required Qualifications and Experience of the Service
The service provider will be required to have the following:
Extensive experience in producing humanitarian work related documentaries for national and international organizations with the aim of reaching both local and international audiences.
Excellent technical capacities (state of the art filming equipment including drone camera preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high-quality production.
Experienced and qualified team for shooting, editing, audio, mixing, voiceover, graphics etc.
Duration of the Assignment
The assignment is expected to take 30 working days from the date of signing of the contract starting from 19th November to 30th December 2022.
Intellectual Property
All information pertaining to this project (documentary, audio, digital, cyber, project documents, etc.) belonging to the client, which the service provider may come into contact with in the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of the PRP who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever form without written permission of the PRP.
Payment Details
The service provider’s payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy through cross cheque in the name of the firm after deduction of all applicable taxes as per law of land on the date of payment). Payment shall be made in three installments of;
20% payment will be made on the submission of final script and shooting plan.
20% on the completion of shooting of documentary.
30% upon submission of an acceptable draft film documentary
30% final payment upon submission of the final outputs, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from PRP team.
Applicants are required to submit the following
Financial proposal: indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other expenses) related to the assignment including all applicable taxes, fees and services.
Deadline for Submission:
The deadline for submission of the quote is 17th November 2022 till 17:00 pm.