Gender-based violence is a universal reality existing in all societies regardless of economic status, class, culture or any other diversity. Many women had and still are experiencing this form of violence which has adversely affected their wellbeing as well as productivity in their homes, communities and places of work. One of the huge forms of gender-based violence is early child and forced marriages. The situation necessitate for a collective effort to build pressure on state for taking responsibility to address this critical issue. In this connection SPO Programme Specialist Shazia Bashir and Programme Officer MehmoodNasir accompaniedby Advisory committee social welfare member Mukhtyar Shaheen, Media consultant Mr. Asmatvisited Dar-ul-AmanMianwali. During this visitMr. Khizar Khan DO Social Welfare and Mrs. SaqibaSuperintendent Dar-ul-Amanwere also present.
Director Information Mr. Tanveer Khalid,Coordinator ADF Mr. Muneer Hussain Zaibi, Secretary Women ADF Ms. Shaheen Social worker,Superintendent Mr. Sajid,LRPs and Team Mianwali visited the central jail Mianwali and met women residents under the campaign “The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence”.
Interviews were conducted with inmates.Only five prisoners were resident in case of murder, kidnaping and theft. All were on the view that they had realized now after living in jail that they should have taken some wise steps but from now onward and after release from prisontheywould rememberadvice by the delegates regarding tolerance.Meal in jail was also checked. The quality of food was good and cleanliness matter was also satisfying.
Mr. Sajid Superintendent was on view that such type of session and random visit must be conducted in future.