Pakistan is, culturally, racially, linguistically and religiously, a heterogeneous country. For a prosperous and peaceful society, it is indispensable to create a discrimination-free society where people with different identities can live together peacefully. Realizing the importance of social harmony in a multi-cultural society SPO has embarked upon a programme of “Peace and Social Harmony”.
Under the ‘Peace and Social Harmony’ component, 42 Civil Society Networks (CSNs) comprised of local, mid-level and national level CSOs, media, associations and unions, and local opinion-makers individuals were formed. These CSNs were working towards creating awareness on the idea that all citizens are equal, and, therefore, they should have equal opportunities to enjoy life and to contribute to society. There was a particular emphasis to create common space for collective actions. It enabled the civil society to engage with state-level institutions in terms of monitoring and providing feedback for better policies.
• Formation of CSNs
• Stakeholders Mobilization
• Cultural events and peace dialogues
• Lectures on development issues
• Policy Advocacy
• Planning Advocacy Campaigns