SPO successfully implemented its project titled ‘Increasing Girls’ Enrollment and Retention and Improving the Quality of Education’ with the financial support of UNESCO. The project stared in 2012 and concluded in 2013 and was implemented in districts Ziarat and Jaffarabad in Balochistan.
The objective of this project was to support UNESCO’s efforts in increasing girls’ enrolment, retention and improving the quality of education in primary schools by working in close consultation with local authorities. Through this project, SPO mobilized communities and organized advocacy campaigns. SPO’s multi-strategy and approach included action research, mobilization and advocacy of for promotion of girls’ education, and technical assistance for missing facilities.
SPO under its ‘Social & Economic Development’ programme implemented this project by identifying several interventions. SPO successfully transformed school infrastructures and improved learning environments to attract students and parents back to the school system. In order to improve retention and the quality of girls’ primary education, SPO established PTCs/ SMCs, provided missing facilities such as boundary walls, washrooms, drinking water, minor repairs (to a limited scale), and trained teachers in multi-grade teaching (MGT) and activity based learning (ABL).
SPO successfully implemented ‘Strengthening of Women’s Leadership Role and Establishing Women Protection Networks in Eight Flood Affected Districts’ project with the financial support of UNIFEM. The project started in December 2010 and concluded in March 2011, covering districts Nowshera and Dera Ismail Khan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, districts Multan and Rajan Pur in Punjab, districts Thatta and Sukkar in Sindh and districts Naseerabad and Jaffarabad in Balochistan.
The overall goal of the project was to harness a network of local women leaders who will in turn seek to protect women rights by ensuring their role and integration in various aspects of disaster risk preparedness, mitigation and prevention related planning, initiatives and interventions.
SPO built capacity of 250 women leaders and the officials of district line agencies who later took frontline roles in protecting women rights. The project ensured that these 250 women have worked closely with affected women and helped them to address women concerns in relation to their rehabilitation and reconstruction requirements (in case of occurrence of a disaster), combat gender based violence, and lobby for including women in decision making forums. SPO also enhanced lobbying capacities of women leaders and groups resulting in more gender responsive disaster risk preparedness, mitigation and prevention measures by the state and the non-state actors. These interventions led to development of a coherent strategy for SPO and its partner organizations to ensure fuller and righteous inclusion of women in future disaster risk mitigation, preparedness and prevention measures to seek to end all forms of violence and discrimination against women. SPO was already providing emergency and relief support to aforementioned districts through food packages, access to clean water, and shelter. The project was appreciated by UN agencies and local line departments.
SPO successfully implemented ‘Tacmil Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’ with the financial support of USAID.The project started in November 2008 and concluded in October 2009, covering district Charsadda in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The overall goal of this project was to improve the monitoring system of health sector in district Charsadda. In order to achieve this goal, SPO formed 25 Health Monitoring Committee (HMC) at UC level and two committees at district level. The project also aimed to form and strengthen a district health board in Charsadda that would hold the HMCs accountable. SPO also initiated awareness campaigns to create awareness among the masses about their basic right to quality healthcare.
SPO under its ‘Social & Economic Development’ programme organized project activities under three phases of mobilization, capacity building, and advocacy. The advocacy initiatives were carried out in collaboration with the civil society networks and were also integral part of the project. The anticipated result of this intervention was improved performance of government health services in district Charsadda. To ensure joint monitoring and following participatory approach the HMC was formed consisting of local community and government representatives. Major stakeholders such as the district Nazim, DCO, Tehsil Nazim, and EDO Health were engaged through this intervention. This project strengthened linkages between the district health management committee, district health boards, CSN, and the local government so to ensure long term sustainability.
SPO successfully implemented ‘Gender Equality Project’ with the financial support of USAID Gender Equality Program. The project started in March 2003 and concluded in December 2003, covering district district Turbat in Balochistan, district Hyderabad in Sindh, district Peshawar in KPK and district Multan in Punjab.
The overall goal of this project was to empower women population of the project area through capacity building and linkage development of women councilors. Through this project SPO enhanced capacity of 400 women in selected district. The project envisioned to equip women councilors with skills to access institutional mechanisms and knowledge of women development issues.
SPO trained 400 women councilors in the key areas of communication, resource mobilization, data collection and analysis, and action planning skills. SPO also organized a ‘Resource Mela’ to provide a platform for women councilors to engage directly and build liaison with stakeholders representing sectors of Education, Economic Empowerment, Health, Legal Rights and Violence Against Women & Girls. These women councilors were also connected with the National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) and the Ministry of Social Welfare and Women Development. These councilors developed linkages with line departments and other civil society organizations, which later supported them in specific action planning based on women related issues in development schemes at district level. Being the coordinator for four networks, SPO linked the women councilors with the Gender and Governance Network (Multan), BASHM-Turbat Gender Resource Centre (Turbat), Gender Voice (Peshawar) and G-Net (Hyderabad) for technical backstopping.
SPO successfully implemented ‘Support for Establishing Data Base of Human Rights Situation and Human Rights Defenders in Pakistan’ with the financial support of Care International in Pakistan. The project started in September 2014 and concluded in March 2015.
The overall goal of this project was to establish a database on Human Rights violation in Pakistan by developing a software which records information related to Human Rights violation at Federal and provincial level. The project also included capacity building trainings for Federal and provincial directorates in order to transfer knowledge and responsibilities to maintain, review, and utilize the data resource pool. A detailed Management Information System (MIS) on Human Rights was handed over to the Ministry of Law, Justice & Human Rights.
SPO under its ‘Digital Knowledge Transformation’ program implemented this project through which a database of human rights violations was prepared and owned by the state and its representatives. Due to SPO’s continuous efforts to digitalize the human rights violations, the civil society organizations working on Human Rights advocacy benefited to access the information and devise strategies accordingly. This small scale project proved to be a huge contribution in systematically recording the human rights violation data, which also helped the ministry to take informed actions and extended timely response to the needs and challenges faced by citizens.
Showing 51 to 57 of 57 entries