With the passage of time the activities of SPO has diversified to cover the emerging issues in the particular socio-economic and political context of Pakistan. Currently, SPO’s core areas are democratic governance, social justice and peace and harmony. In addition, SPO has a component of special projects that deals with disasters and emergency situations, such as earthquake in Azad Kashmir, floods in Balochistan and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of NWFP.
Human rights lies at the heart of SPO’s core programme of democratic governance, social justice and peace and harmony in society. The core programme aims at nurturing democracy, justice and peace in the state and society through capacity building, action research, awareness raising, advocacy, policy dialogue, dissemination of information and literature, mobilization of communities, developing partnership with local organisation and encouraging and supporting peace movements.
The cumulative outcome of these activities appears in the shape of enhanced capacity of community organisation and public interest institutions to exercise and promote democratic governance and structures at all levels, enhanced capacity of community organisations and public interest institutions to watch and advocate for social justice with a special focus on health, education, women empowerment, disaster risk reduction and humanitarian support and improved social harmony and consensus on local and national issues among different segments of society